I am trying to digest my last interview. What I did right and wrong.
As the previous event, I had 4 technical interviews but different from previous event, interviewers asked more times about my experience. What am I doing? What was my last big decision? What is interesting in my current job? And so on. This is something that I didn’t like because I have been working here for only 3 months in my new job so it was not easy to talk about things that I am still learning.
As the previous event, I had 4 technical interviews but different from previous event, interviewers asked more times about my experience. What am I doing? What was my last big decision? What is interesting in my current job? And so on. This is something that I didn’t like because I have been working here for only 3 months in my new job so it was not easy to talk about things that I am still learning.
- My first interviewer gave me 2 questions…I spend a good time with a bad solution in my second problem and that was an easy question. In the end I gave a good answer but I had already involved.
Question 1: how to convert a file path (file path will always have root dir) to an canonical path. Ex: "/a/b/../c" $\Rightarrow$ "/a/c".
Question 2: how to implement a data structure for control use of limited resources of 3 kinds. (Ex: Lock SA is a company that provide lockers to users in airport. When a new customer arrive, he can ask to keep his/her baggage there or to get back his/her baggage. Describe a data structure to handle that problem). - Second interviewer also gave me 2 questions…In the middle of first question, the interviewer ask me about how many byte a certain object will use: geez! I said that it was 3 *32 bytes when I would/should like to answer 3*32 bits or 3*4 bytes. Second, I gave a bad code answer but I fix it as soon as it was pointed as wrong. The 2th question I failed to provide a right answer. The interviewer gave me some tips and I fixed the code again but I couldn’t finish the question at time.
Question 1: Let T a tree that holds arithmetic "operations" (ex: $+ \rightarrow
5, + \rightarrow *, * \rightarrow 5, * \rightarrow 6$). Let class Node with method eval(). (calling eval of previous root Node object should return 35). "Implement" this Arithmetic tree.
Question 2: Implement an algorithm that returns a subset of a collection that provide the maximum product of n elements. - The third interviewer asked me many questions about my current job, my function, etc. After that, he ask me to “describe” a solution for Stamp E-Bay version. It was so abstract that I didn’t get if my propose was good enough or not.
Question: Sketch a EBay Web site to sell/Buy Stamps. - The fourth interviewer was toughest but he was not the more challenging interviewer.
- He asked about how long I had of experience and I said that was more than 8 years. He was not convinced because I have just finished graduation in 6 years. But this is a Brazilian reality.
- He ask me about my Master’s Degree. I have closed my course although I was hoping finished that as soon as possible. Because I was Using Linkedin format, I provided a expecting conclusion year and the interviewer was no very happy with this expecting conclusion year since I had gave up of my Master’s.
- Third, he asked me to implement an algorithm to verify if a digraph was an acyclic digraph…
In this point something sad happened. My answer was almost right. I said that should be something exponential like $O(\gamma^E)$ where $\gamma$ is average of outcome arcs, and E is number of arcs. But I was not convincing…
I was trying to prove it reflecting about worst case scenario. Now improving that...
$\gamma$ = Average outcome arcs = arcs / vertices
Let G a graph with vertices $(a_1, a_2, \ldots a_n, b_1, b_2, \ldots b_n)$ and the follow configuration...
$(a_1 \rightarrow a_2, a_1 \rightarrow b_2, \ldots a_{n-1} \rightarrow a_n, a_{n-1} \rightarrow b_n)$
$(b_1 \rightarrow a_2, b_1 \rightarrow b_2, \ldots b_{n-1} \rightarrow a_n, a_{n-1} \rightarrow b_n)$
The 2 ending vertices have no arcs. All others have 2 edges. So, all possible paths = 2V − 2.In this case... edges, E = 2 * (V − 2). So, for this scenario the complexity will be O(2E).
What was I doing wrong? I am not getting how to calculate gamma. What should the worst gamma be for complexity considerations for this algorithm?
The right answer could consider how many arcs is possible from a digraph. And it should be V(V − 1) where V is number of vertices. But I knew that the algorithm find cycles. So, I was thinking that it should limit to a constant. But how many arcs could have the most complete acyclic digraph? At least (Sum of 1 .. n)/n. So gamma actually is proportional to number of vertices. The right answer is O(VE). I was wrong once again but in this time, the interviewer didn’t provide any tip.
The second point is ... oh, it is so obvious that I can find cycles removing layers of the graph from border (fringe) to the inner part. It should be O(V + A). =(
Question: Implement an algorithm to verify if a digraph is an acyclic digraph